Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I have been working on making these little logo images to use online. The time it took me to figure this out I will not disclose here. I generally can only do math if I can understand it visually. Explain pixels and dpi to me, and my brain is a colander. I am finally somewhat happy with these. I am hoping that they represent my trademark blue square.

On sewn scarves, I stitch on a square of blue wool.

Woven scarves have the square woven in.



jamelle said...

Nice! Its great to have a trademark. In years to come, collectors will be able to say "I have a Polly Moss with a blue square, so it must be from the early 21C., before she changed her trademark to a blue trapezoid". As someone who worked in a historical society, trademarks are a very important key to dating artifacts. This is in addition to their use as markers of conspicious consumption!!

Polly said...

conspicuous consumption! That is like a dirty word these days. But yes, I guess that is exactly what I had in mind.