Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Squash and Spinach

Due to snow days and sick days here, our cupboard is rather bare. I have had very little luck with those websites that let you type in your ingredients and come up with a recipe. I guess it is because I always try it when I am down to a weird and limited assortment of foods. Some of my own imaginative combinations have been less than successful. One that I will share here was surprisingly nice. I do not have a picture to show how lovely it looked. We did not know it was a winner until it was partly eaten. At that point it was less lovely.

2 small butternut squashes
1 bag of spinach (not frozen)
1 bag of wide egg noodles
olive oil or butter
brown sugar
sour cream

Cut the squash into 1 inch cubes, and boil until just barely tender. Start cooking the egg noodles as usual. Carmelize the squash cubes in a little olive oil or butter, and brown sugar. Wash and drain the spinach. Cook it covered with just the remaining water until it wilts. Drain it again. Toss together the squash, spinach, and noodles. Add a little dollop of sour cream on the side, and a fair amount of salt and pepper. -Polly

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