Sunday, May 9, 2010


So here is the thing. We did have a fire. The consensus seems to be that a squirrel chewed wire made a spark that started a fire between our roof and ceiling. We are back home now after a half week stay over visit with my Mom and Dad. We will now be able to enjoy a camping at home situation.

This really was not a big fire, and we are lucky to all be safe and sound. It is taking me a while to get my mind around it though. I think a pie or two is in order for our local fire department. And really, thank goodness for our Moms. Happy Mother's Day Mom! - Polly

1 comment:

Meg said...

We've heard a rat above our bedroom ceiling and I'm terrified of the same. I think it's time to call our sparky to go have a look - and to install a higher powered deterrent.

You take care of yourself and your family, Polly.