Friday, March 26, 2010


I need to have some labels. I need to order them soon, but I cannot decide if I like any of these well enough. The longer it takes me to decide or rework, the longer it will be before I have labels ready. I am hoping to put these on bags, and maybe sewn scarves. I don't think they will be soft enough to go on woven scarves. Any suggestions? -Polly


Unknown said...

I happen to like the script of the second, w/o the stitching, but in the color of the third. Less color, I think, matters so that is does not clash with the colors of the item it is attached to. That's just my opinion.

jamelle said...

Eamon likes the color scheme of the first two. I agree, but I can't decide which text I like better. I like 'handwoven handmade' but I also like 'handmade textiles'. I know, I am a lot of help!