Monday, February 22, 2010

Scarf Tying

I am trying to make a scarf tying guide. Customers often ask me how to wear the scarves that I am selling. I have been told that folks also ask this in the shops where my scarves are on display. I would like to provide a printed guide that can be included with the scarves that go home to new wearers. However, early research (husband review) has shown that my guide does not provide enough information. Written instructions are probably needed along with the before and after pictures. -Polly


jamelle said...

I don't know if written instructions would really be necessary (maybe for the tom row third from left) But I mean, you're not asking them to tie a 'four in hand' or a 'windsor knot'. It seems mostly about draping and tucking.

Meg said...

Very pretty. I'm with Jamelle - I'm not sure if words would help if they don't get it from the pictures.

Polly said...

Thanks Jamelle and Meg. I am working on a new version with written descriptions that I'm not happy with yet. It still needs more work either way.