Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Near Find

This morning as I drove the boys to school, I spotted something special in a garbage can. On the way home it was still there. I was very compelled to stop and take a look at it. My overriding sense of embarrassment stopped me. I do not like getting out of my car to check out an item. The act of taking home someones trash does not trouble me. It is the possibility of attracting attention to myself that I want to avoid. Making a minor spectacle of myself while I peruse the trash selection is not what I want. So, I figured that I could drive back home and then walk over to see the item. As I strolled toward the trash can, I would have time to assess the treasure. If I decided that I wanted it, I could then lift it as I passed and walk back home without any fuss. Certainly the added few minutes might cause someone else to acquire my treasure, but I knew that it either was or was not meant to be. As I made my way back around the block on foot, the trash truck rounded the corner. In my haste I tripped on the sidewalk and made a long drawn out windmill action with my arms and lurched down to the ground. Someone called out "Careful!" as the trash truck carried away my treasure. The birdcage like this was not meant to be mine. Ah well. -Polly

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