Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My Review of Weck Canning Jars

As I continue on with my non weaving diversions and obligations, I will now give my official review of Weck Canning Jars. I love these jars. I am not a canning expert, but I have a number of years experience using the American style jars. The jars that I have been using are all made by the same parent company and all have a coating of BPA on the underside of the covers. I wanted to find a new method.

The Weck jars pictured here are the ones that I decided I wanted to try. I was hesitant to order them because they cost much more than the ones I already have in the basement. I acquired these by the right place - right friend method. A good friend is planning to move out of the country, and gifted her jars to me! I would rather she not move away, but these jars are a silver lining I guess.

Anyway, these jars are made in Germany. They have glass covers that seal with natural rubber rings. Metal clips hold the lid in place during processing. Easy. All my jars sealed well, they look wonderful, stack nicely, and are not currently leaching chemicals into the food. The few troubles I encountered are as follows. The lovely shaped jars fit in my canner differently. I was able to fit fewer side by side, but they are squat enough that a second layer worked. My American style jar lifter works on the jars, but not the lids. I miss the little tonk sound that metal lids make as they seal. Also, it was hard to take a picture of these without a reflection of my goofy self appearing. Otherwise, I love and recommend these jars. -Polly