Sunday, February 28, 2010

Spring Beach

Today was a perfect beach day. No snow, no sunscreen. Several parking places available! -Polly

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

More Progress on the Preschool Tree Mural

These two animals are now painted into the first section of the mural.
The little papers taped to the wall are my reference pictures. The shelf holds my
handy plastic paint cup and my lunch. - Polly

Monday, February 22, 2010

Roller Babies

And Now for Something Completely Different. It is likely that you have seen this commercial, but just in case, here is a link to watch it now. During our boy's school vacation, we did some ice skating. This caused some interest in roller skating, which the boys have never done. While trying to learn more about roller skates, we came across this video. We have not had a TV for years, so we missed this when it was new, but it is really very fun. -Polly

Scarf Tying

I am trying to make a scarf tying guide. Customers often ask me how to wear the scarves that I am selling. I have been told that folks also ask this in the shops where my scarves are on display. I would like to provide a printed guide that can be included with the scarves that go home to new wearers. However, early research (husband review) has shown that my guide does not provide enough information. Written instructions are probably needed along with the before and after pictures. -Polly

Monday, February 15, 2010

My Little Etsy Shop

My little Etsy Shop is alive again. Hooray! -Polly

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Unravelled Sweater

One cashmere sweater, plus one pair of scissors, plus one snow day equals two
new balls of string. -Polly

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Winter Walking

We drove again today to one of our favorite places to walk. It is a wildlife management area that we particularly like to visit on Sundays. I get to knit on the way. Unfortunately we discovered that all of the brush, and tall grasses have been mowed down since our last visit. The rose hips that I photographed in the fall are gone. It will all grow back of course, but we were disturbed to find our place so altered.

Still, it was beautiful out in the cold. -Polly

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Preschool Tree Mural in Progress

Here is the hallway before.

This is the hallway now after one day of painting. -Polly

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Me Updated

I feel that I ought to change my blog profile picture, because the current one is not very recent. However, I seem to be photographed only when I am holding a photogenic small child. As my attractive children have grown older and heavier to hold, these photo opportunities now happen infrequently. Here now are two photos that I am considering. I think that they are both representative. Please notice that the top picture has a fortunate flash of light that helps to reduce the visibility of my nose. -Polly